The origin of the olive tree is lost in the depths of centuries, legends and traditions of the peoples around the Mediterranean.
According to mythology, the olive tree was a gift of the goddess Athena during her quarrel with Neptune over the possession of Athens. Neptune scaled his trident up three parts, the tallest of which he broke on the hard rock of the Acropolis and then some brine bounced from there. On the other hand, Athena produced an olive tree and rich olive fruits were hung from its branches. The Athenians choose the gift of Athena and since then the olive has remained for all a central part of Greek life with deep properties.
The leaves of olive trees have been used as a crown for the leaders of winning athletes, for generals and kings, their wood has been used for the building of houses and ships, their oil has been used to provide lamps with fuel, it has been applied to muscular bodies of athletes, it is added to all dishes and olives have become the basis of the Mediterranean diet as well as a valuable exportable product throughout antiquity until today.
Seeds from the remnants of the tree are said to have germinated throughout Attica and in this way, all the olive groves that surround Athens have the stigma of the original Athena’s tree.